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The Apprentice Project

Education; Leveraging ChatBots to enhance learning outcomes

The Apprentice Project (TAP) is a not-for-profit organisation working towards empowering underprivileged children from the age group of 11 to 17 years to develop 21st-century skills and thrive in the current world.

They use their WhatsApp chatbot (TAP Buddy) to provide self-learning-based electives to students. These include Arts, STEM, Digital and Financial Literacy, thereby inculcating essential 21st-century skills such as creativity, problem-solving, communication, and financial skills.

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Anand Gopakumar

Co-founder and CEO

Shridhar brought a knowledge of for-profit principles to the non-profit sector, and showed us the value of thinking about things like customer obsession, theory of change and value propositions.


This allowed us to make our product as simple as possible, so that we could truly keep the “customer-centricity” — and keep our children, their perspectives and their experiences at the centre of everything we do.

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